Thursday, January 23, 2014

Do you still need a New Year Resolution Idea??

Well, it is January 23, 2014. Did you make a resolution this year?

            - It is Not too Late!
I have a great suggestion for you...

Organize Your Home!

Getting organized is a doable resolution to start off the 2014. It is a great resolution to choose when you consider that organized people experience lower stress and feel like they have a greater sense of control in their our often hurried lives. (Who wouldn't want that?)
Tackling home organization may seem like an overwhelming challenge, but the best way to stick to your resolution is to make a plan of action that is broken down into sections and steps that you will undertake one at a time. You will feel lighter as the year goes by, if you pick one area to focus on each month. You will meet each month with a new challenge and you will feel better about your life at the end of the year
I believe you can set yourself up to succeed if you have a written plan detailing what area you will tackle each month and what tools and hardware you may need to do the job. Organizing often includes de-cluttering and a plan needs to be made for what you will do with the items that you know no longer have a useful purpose in your life. Maybe plan a yard sale, or donate to your favorite charity thrift store.  
Some links to get some great ideas to help you create your plan of action.
For Home Organization, Rubbermaid and have a variety of items that will help get you started on your Organizing Adventure.
Pendaflex and Smead are your go to sources for office and file organization
Here are a few interesting links to blogs that offer free Home Organization "Printables" that you can use to help you get started:

If you are truly overwhelmed by the thought of taking up home organization, don’t hesitate to contact Life Tree Personal Service for a home organizing consultation. From organizing any room in your home, to your car, to your diaper bag, to your office space we are here to help!

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